Wet Basement Inspections

Are you looking to save money with objective advice, expert info, and helpful solutions to your basement water problems that may be more affordable than full on professional waterproofing? Turn To Wet Basement Inspections.

Your local basement water leakage and dampness experts in Cleveland, Ohio​​

What We Do

Print our 1 page Basement Dampness Checklist for a self-inspection of your home-
and find detailed videos, pictures, examples, and information about the issues in the checklist described in the corresponding articles of this website.

Print our 1 page Basement Dampness Checklist for a self-inspection of your home and find detailed videos, pictures, examples, and information about the issues in the checklist described in the corresponding articles of this website.

Get Help On Your Own-
Browse our Library of The Most Common basement Dampness Issues

We Offer Free Videos, Tutorials, Advice and Information that anyone can use to improve their leaky basement or crawlspace.

Hire Us-
To Perform an Unbiased Visual Inspection or camera scope of underground accessible storm drains

Many leaky foundation issues reside underground, caused by cracked, leaking, or clogged storm drains. We can provide a camera scope inspection of your accessible below-grade storm drains in order to determine the most cost affordable actions clients can take to fix their leaky space. Enjoy personalized support for your specific property and with no conflict of Interest because we are home inspectors by trade, we are here to diagnose and coach clients, but not to sell anyone expensive waterproofing systems that they do not need.

“Dan helped me understand why my leaky basement always flooded in a way that I never thought about before. It seems so obvious now.”

Jane Miller


Your Hometown Leaky Foundation Inspection Service

Wet Basement Inspections is who you need when you have water or dampness in your basement, severe or minor, and are wondering or need to know the causes and the most affordable means of correction and prevention of foundation dampness moving forward.


WBI is dedicated to making life easier for our clients and audience when it comes to leaky or damp basement or crawlspace problems. Check out our improvement library for the information and improvements that anyone can learn to make the most informed and affordable corrections to your water problem.


Dan Gibson is an Ohio Licensed home inspector (OHI.2019004933) in Cleveland, Ohio. For more information, or for scheduling/pricing of home inspections, please email wetbasementinspections@gmail.com, or fill out the contact form below, for more information.



Are you curious about your own leaky basement or crawlspace? We’re here to answer any questions.